Visioni Interiori a workshop with Ludovica Anzaldi e Benedetta Ristori at Officine Fotografiche, Rome November 23-24 2024
An intensive two-day photography workshop designed to explore creative practice. Through a hands-on approach, individual and group discussions, we will set aside conventional tools to access one’s imagination. Identify personal narratives and rediscover oneself in the creative process. Explore the power of images, the perspective and meaning they offer; asking critical questions and developing a deeper understanding of one’s photography.
Info and booking:

15 and 16 October 2022. Location: Amka Social Hub – Via dei Reti 23a – Rome.
Two different but complementary visions describe landscape and portrait photography. During the two days of workshop the documentary photographers Benedetta Ristori and Ludovica Anzaldi will illustrate to the members the process of ideation and realization of a photographic project. The workshop will be developed through both a practical and theoretical path: practice lessons, indoor portrait session, talk about the making of a photo book and individual portfolio reading.

10 and 11 June 2022 at Laba Libera Accademia Belle Arti
Workshop “A photographic story”
During the two days of workshop we will analyze the creation and development of a photographic project focusing on the main points that make it up: research, editing, sequencing and finalization. The construction of the story will be addressed at a theoretical and practical level, giving participants the opportunity to interact and create during the experience.

December 1st and 15 2021 online on Daisie.
Editing&Sequencing: The photographer will be unpacking the importance of the editing process, discussing how editing can allow you to create a visual story, choosing images based on the language related to your narration. Her second session on the 15th will be discussing the crucial step of sequencing. Revealing how it creates the rhythm of the narration and what the viewer will see. You’ll also have an opportunity to share your own work and get feedback.

October 22th 2021 at the Architecture University La Sapienza Rome